Sunday, February 16, 2014

Month 5 February

Month 5
February 2014

OK i am actually current now.  I’m writing this in February..the 16th. It’s sunday afternoon.  I’ve had alot on my plate latley! I work 4 days a week doing hair, on my feet all day, then we coach club volleyball twice a week and have had a tournament 3 weekends in a row and 2 of them were out of town & we will have a tournament every other weekend until May.  Then they called me to be in young womens a couple months ago.  I love it so much & i love all the girls! i teach on sundays and I go to mutual on wed nights.  So I have very little of a life besides work, volleyball, & young womens, But i love it!

Our volleyball team! Go Idaho Crush! Love our team!

My MiaMaids Ice Skating for Mutual! Love these Beautiful Girls!
But it’s a good busy! & I really do LOVE it all!!! I love my job doing hair, I love coaching volleyball with aaron, & I love young womens!!!  My sweet Momma calls me all the time and reminds me to not over do it and i try to sit down as much as i can and drink alot of water! My sister Lex brought me this huge maverick mug thats 100 oz! I’m supposed to drink one of those a day! haha. Love my Sleezer who takes care of me!

Drinkin' on the Job…LOTS OF WATER!

This month was a pretty neat Milestone! I finally started to feel the baby move!  I have waited for this moment for SOOO long!  When it’s happening its hard to believe sometimes! I’m 20 wks now and our lil’ man is a mover and a shaker! I feel like he’s stretchin out and doing flips in there sometimes!  And i love it! It’s so amazing! Since october i have gained 13 pounds which is normal and good.  I've never been a tiny thing which i'm ok with! I did hit the 200lb mark today...although a little depressing...i love every pound because i know what it will bring! I haven’t started anything with the nursery yet but i know i wanna do an “All American Boy” kind of theme.  With Navy, Cardinal Red, and cream...with a vintage baseball and basketball flare to it! He’ll be a little aaron I just know it! I can’t wait! 

A Random thing happened, My dear sister in law Kam told me about a "Giveaway" that Petunia Pickle Bottom Facebook page was doing for a PPB Diaper bag (which are LEGIT..they are about $200!! OUCH) I entered the contest…and I WON! Whaa? I never win anything! I was so excited! ShoutOut to Kam for telling me to sign up for the giveaway! I got it in the mail the other day and i LOVE it!!
We are torn on names right now! boy names are HARD!!! Right now our 2 names that are tied for first but neither of us will budge on the name we like! i feel like unless something fabulous hits us that we will be taking those 2 names to the hospital and we will decide when we see the lil’ guy! Middle Name 'Jay' after Aaron, His Dad, & Grandpa all have the middle name Jay. So at least we have that figured out! Here are a few fun pics of my "progress" in growing larger! I suck at remembering to do thisreally it's every time i wear this shirt aaron is likeOh we should take your picture! haha. 

6WKS…(Kinda a dumb pic to take, 
i just wanted to see my start out point)




 Aaron can push his belly out pretty far, he wanted to try, i'm gonna pass him up real soon!

My mom stopped by earlier today and brought me this most adorable little white tuxedo that she got him for the day Aaron blesses our lil' Boy.  I love it and i just love to picture his chubby little body in it!

Last pic for the Month! This was us on our Valentines Date! We went to Bonefish grill with Steve and Alisha! It was so fun and So yummy! So happy that he's my valentine!

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