Sunday, February 16, 2014

Month 3 December

Month 3
December 2013

December was crazy as was slammed, aaron was driving all over the place setting up aflac accounts for Heart n Home ( the wonderful stices business) which was a HUGE blessing and aaron did so fantastic.  That account was a huge blessing in our lives at that time.  He made a good chunk of money that we were able to put in savings and have that security blanket of a healthy savings finally, since we bought our house we had been playing a little bit of catchup with some things and it was just nice to be in the place that we are! Aaron is happy and loving his job and i couldn’t be more excited for him! I think he will do really well in this business! Christmas was so fun...just knowing that we were pregnant.  We had our 10 week ultrasound this month on the 9th.  It went from a grain of rice at 8 wks to a little Gummy bear on this day.  It had a baby shape to it...u could see it’s little arms in legs in body and prominent head!

10 WK Ultrasound, Finally done with the ICRM
We used this ultrasound on our christmas card to announce that we are pregnant.  We were 12 wks around the week of christmas so we finally told everyone & i must say i thought that lil sonagram pic with it’s santa hat on was pretty dang cute! everyone was so thrilled for us!

Our Chirstmas Card 2013

December 27th was the end of my 1st trimester...and wow...that flew SO FAST! It was fun to tell our group of girlfriends on bunco night that i was pregnant! They all screamed!  Aaron and I went a bit crazy on christmas this year with gifts for each other because it was our “last” christmas just him & I! So we bought brand new furniture for our family room and i finally got crossfit equipment for our garage and we bought a few other things...but it was fun! we spoiled ourselves! We cant believe that we will have a 6month old next christmas!  Holy shiz balls! So exciting! 

Last Christmas just the 2 of us!

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