Sunday, February 16, 2014

A glimpse at the 3 year Journey to get us here!

Before I get started into the pregnancy part.  I just have to say it has been such a journey getting here.  I’ve spent so many hours on my knees, pleading, and praying to my Heavenly Father to bless me with this little gift that is growing inside me.  It took us about 3 years to become pregnant and  during those 3 years we spent alot of time and money doing fertility treatments. I will share that story/journey adventually but it will be for another time.  During that journey We went on alot of vacations too, which was fabulous and well needed.  In those 3 years we went to New York, Washington DC,Girls trip to McCall, Cancun Mexico, Oahu Hawaii, & Mazatlan Mexico. Every trip was worth every penny for how it helped heal and bring closer together Aaron and I’s hearts! I love him and am so grateful for the Love that we share! OK....Now on to the Pregnant part...YAY! (somedays i didn’t know if i’d ever get to say that) Here are some pics i snapped of a few of those fabulous moments we got to have together!
New York City March 2013

Washington DC March 2013

McCall Girls Trip June 2013

Cancun 5yr Anniversary Sept 2013

Hawaii Jan 2014

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