Sunday, February 16, 2014

Month 5 February

Month 5
February 2014

OK i am actually current now.  I’m writing this in February..the 16th. It’s sunday afternoon.  I’ve had alot on my plate latley! I work 4 days a week doing hair, on my feet all day, then we coach club volleyball twice a week and have had a tournament 3 weekends in a row and 2 of them were out of town & we will have a tournament every other weekend until May.  Then they called me to be in young womens a couple months ago.  I love it so much & i love all the girls! i teach on sundays and I go to mutual on wed nights.  So I have very little of a life besides work, volleyball, & young womens, But i love it!

Our volleyball team! Go Idaho Crush! Love our team!

My MiaMaids Ice Skating for Mutual! Love these Beautiful Girls!
But it’s a good busy! & I really do LOVE it all!!! I love my job doing hair, I love coaching volleyball with aaron, & I love young womens!!!  My sweet Momma calls me all the time and reminds me to not over do it and i try to sit down as much as i can and drink alot of water! My sister Lex brought me this huge maverick mug thats 100 oz! I’m supposed to drink one of those a day! haha. Love my Sleezer who takes care of me!

Drinkin' on the Job…LOTS OF WATER!

This month was a pretty neat Milestone! I finally started to feel the baby move!  I have waited for this moment for SOOO long!  When it’s happening its hard to believe sometimes! I’m 20 wks now and our lil’ man is a mover and a shaker! I feel like he’s stretchin out and doing flips in there sometimes!  And i love it! It’s so amazing! Since october i have gained 13 pounds which is normal and good.  I've never been a tiny thing which i'm ok with! I did hit the 200lb mark today...although a little depressing...i love every pound because i know what it will bring! I haven’t started anything with the nursery yet but i know i wanna do an “All American Boy” kind of theme.  With Navy, Cardinal Red, and cream...with a vintage baseball and basketball flare to it! He’ll be a little aaron I just know it! I can’t wait! 

A Random thing happened, My dear sister in law Kam told me about a "Giveaway" that Petunia Pickle Bottom Facebook page was doing for a PPB Diaper bag (which are LEGIT..they are about $200!! OUCH) I entered the contest…and I WON! Whaa? I never win anything! I was so excited! ShoutOut to Kam for telling me to sign up for the giveaway! I got it in the mail the other day and i LOVE it!!
We are torn on names right now! boy names are HARD!!! Right now our 2 names that are tied for first but neither of us will budge on the name we like! i feel like unless something fabulous hits us that we will be taking those 2 names to the hospital and we will decide when we see the lil’ guy! Middle Name 'Jay' after Aaron, His Dad, & Grandpa all have the middle name Jay. So at least we have that figured out! Here are a few fun pics of my "progress" in growing larger! I suck at remembering to do thisreally it's every time i wear this shirt aaron is likeOh we should take your picture! haha. 

6WKS…(Kinda a dumb pic to take, 
i just wanted to see my start out point)




 Aaron can push his belly out pretty far, he wanted to try, i'm gonna pass him up real soon!

My mom stopped by earlier today and brought me this most adorable little white tuxedo that she got him for the day Aaron blesses our lil' Boy.  I love it and i just love to picture his chubby little body in it!

Last pic for the Month! This was us on our Valentines Date! We went to Bonefish grill with Steve and Alisha! It was so fun and So yummy! So happy that he's my valentine!

Month 4 January

Month 4
January 2014

This was it....the year 2014! The year that i’m gonna have my first child! Crazy! I picked out my doctor this month! Doc Juliette Hughes! I love her...she’s awesome and so real with you.  We had our first ultrasound this month on the 24th! At the begening of the month i had called to make an appointmenta few of my friends had gone to doc hughes and said she was the greatest! I called to make my appt and she couldn’t get me in till after we got back from Hawaii.  Yes..we went to Hawaii this month!  it was so fun! We went for 12 days to Oahu with Abe n Kam and then My folks and Grandpa bryce and Noah joined us for our last 5 days there! It was a ton of fun! It was a bit crazy and a long time to be away from my bed. haha.  We did so many fun things, North shore, Pearl Harbor, Diamond head, Sealife Park, Makapuu Lighthouse Hike, Another Hike that looked like jurassic park jungle which i can’t think of the name, Laie Temple session, Polenisian Cultural Center, Swap Meet, boys golfed turtle bay, man we did alot of fun stuff...i was actually suprised being preggo and being able to keep up with all the hiking and stuff.  I was pretty proud of myself becuse i stopped doing crossfit a month before we got pregnant cause i got scared.  So it felt good to sweat!
Waiamea Bay, North Shore Oahu

When we got back to Idaho it was good to be home!  i knew i had our ultrasound to look forward to! I was hopeful that we might find out what we are having! We went to the ultrasound and it was our first time meeting doc huges! we both loved her! she commented on how tall we both are and asked how big we were as newborns...we were both 9+pounders...she was a little worried...our original due date is july 11th but she moved it up to the 4th of July because she didn’t want me having over a 9 pounder & on the ultrasound our baby was measuring a week ahead! bless her heart for not wanting me to have a gigantor baby!  After she did some basic protocal testing n what not she took us to the ultrasound room....i was like..uhh do i take my pants off? cause i had only ever had a vaginal this point i was 16 goin on 17 weeks tho.  I didn’t think she’d be able to tell us the gender.  She had me pull my shirt up and i was like..OH...a tummy ultrasound?? this is new! haha. We saw the little babe who looked huge compared to the gummy bear it was last time! Baby looked so perfect! She said everything looked fabulous...and then she you want to know what your having!? and we said YES! but can you put it in an envelope!? So she turned the screen away from us & took a pic of it’s private area, which baby wasn’t being shy about and she put the pic & the gender in the envelope.  I had a girls lunch that day with Amber, Alisha, Jenica, & kaycee at costa vida! The girls all knew what i was having at was torture! Jenica did a gender reveal party for me.  Jenica went & bought cupcakes with a blue or pink center.  We had all of our family over that evening for the reveal! Everyone bit into the cupcake and it was BLUE!!!! Wow....a BOY! We are having a BOY! Aaron was in shock because he thought it was a girl...deep down i think we both wanted a boy though.  Aaron was the only boy in his family and i think he was afraid he’d never have a son! So he was so stoked!  He went to the Nike outlet earlier that day and bought a pink and a blue pair of baby nikes!  He loved the boy ones and wants a pair his own size!  haha. We are so excited!

Our Reaction

He is gonna be the best! I can't wait to smootch his lil' cheeks! 
 We can't wait to meet him and to be his parents!

Month 3 December

Month 3
December 2013

December was crazy as was slammed, aaron was driving all over the place setting up aflac accounts for Heart n Home ( the wonderful stices business) which was a HUGE blessing and aaron did so fantastic.  That account was a huge blessing in our lives at that time.  He made a good chunk of money that we were able to put in savings and have that security blanket of a healthy savings finally, since we bought our house we had been playing a little bit of catchup with some things and it was just nice to be in the place that we are! Aaron is happy and loving his job and i couldn’t be more excited for him! I think he will do really well in this business! Christmas was so fun...just knowing that we were pregnant.  We had our 10 week ultrasound this month on the 9th.  It went from a grain of rice at 8 wks to a little Gummy bear on this day.  It had a baby shape to it...u could see it’s little arms in legs in body and prominent head!

10 WK Ultrasound, Finally done with the ICRM
We used this ultrasound on our christmas card to announce that we are pregnant.  We were 12 wks around the week of christmas so we finally told everyone & i must say i thought that lil sonagram pic with it’s santa hat on was pretty dang cute! everyone was so thrilled for us!

Our Chirstmas Card 2013

December 27th was the end of my 1st trimester...and wow...that flew SO FAST! It was fun to tell our group of girlfriends on bunco night that i was pregnant! They all screamed!  Aaron and I went a bit crazy on christmas this year with gifts for each other because it was our “last” christmas just him & I! So we bought brand new furniture for our family room and i finally got crossfit equipment for our garage and we bought a few other things...but it was fun! we spoiled ourselves! We cant believe that we will have a 6month old next christmas!  Holy shiz balls! So exciting! 

Last Christmas just the 2 of us!

Month 2 November

Month 2
November 2013

Month 2 and 3 flew by pretty fast because of the holidays and during november and december i work like a crazy person.  My boobs starting hurting so bad in month 2..even to hug someone was quite painful! It was so hard to not tell everyone i saw that i was pregnant.  I’m pretty sure by 6-8 wks i started secretly telling a few of my clients because i was just so excited! Thanksgiving was fun.  We spent it with aarons family and we had Thanksgiving here at our house.  Melissa and Brian were visiting, steve n alisha, lex n wade, and bj n kathy all came over.  It was nice and fun..It was fun finally being the Pregnant one and talking about baby stuff with my sweet sister in laws & sister who are so excited for us!! Our first ultrasound was on the 26th...we went in and just saw the little grain of rice that it small as it was we could see a little heart beat and they told us that there was really a baby in there! Gahhh! So exciting! I was so thrilled to actually have a sonogram picture that had something inside the follicle! It was a wee lil' grain of rice..but it was ours!

8WK Ultrasound

Month 1 October

Month 1
October 2013

My Best Best friend Kelli, from Las Vegas, came to visit me after she found out I was pregnant! She was so excited for me that she decided to come visit! I love her so much and her friendship means so much to me! We had so much fun while she was here! She totally surprised me and her and Aaron had it all planned out! I loved celebrating with her & was so glad she came to visit!!!

I love this girl so much! I know for a fact that she will always be there for me and I will always be there for her! I'ts a friendship that no matter where we are, we will always be forever strong! She's my BFF for life!

Month one i was kinda expecting all the morning sickness to come on and the fatigue and all those crazy pregnancy symptoms...Well....i had nothing, so i was kinda freaked out, i almost wanted to be sick so that i would really “feel” pregnant.  I felt fabulous all month and it was just a fabulous month because it’s when we FINALLY Got pregnant!

The Magic Month that it Happened!

Sidenote: Yes i am starting this Journal a little late It's actually February.  As of right now I am a whopping 20wks pregnant!  So i am going to have to backtrack a little bit.

October 4th, 2013 was the first day of my last I guess that is how they track your weeks...which has always seen weird to me cause technically your not pregnant till 2 wks after that..anywho, guess i’m not a doctor. haha. My body is unfortunaly ultra stubborn.  My hormones don’t like to do what they are supposed to and therefore my body doesn’t want to ovulate ever really.  Stupid lady parts..figure it out already! So we went in several times to the Idaho Center of Reproductive Medicine (the fertility clinic) and they would check me with a vaginal ultrasound, which were always pleasant ;), not.  This was our 6th IntraUterine Insemenation (IUI) in 3 years.  It was also our last chance for it to work before they moved us on to IVF (the $18,000 process) We, along with our family and friends where praying and fasting like crazy!....They checked me multiple times that month to see if my follicles had grown large enough to kick out an egg.  This was the first time i had a mature follicle in each ovary, which was great news!

This is what my Mature Follicle looked like
I sent the follicle picture to my mom, she'd been on her knees all month i'm pretty sure..she sent me this, i thought it was cute

Both follicles were good to go...they gave me the HCG injection on monday october 21st and we went in the next day on October 22nd for the Insemination!

Our 6th and Last chance with the IUI
 Everything seemed to go good....we walked out and took our millioneth picture in front of the reproductive center...and had high hopes!  Then we had to wait 2 VERY LONG weeks.  We went in for the blood test on November 5th.  They took my blood early in the morning and said they would call me between 3-6pm (torture!)

 Us Leaving the Reproductive Center for the 100th time
After the blood test! Nervous!
But Excited!!
 I had to work that day from 1-8pm.  I was very scared for them to call me while i was working because i knew i would fall apart either way.  That morning aaron had a presentation at Chapalas for work.  While he went to work...i was back home having crazy anxiety about wether this was going to end up a very sad day or a very happy day.  It would all be determined by one stupid phone call! I tried to sleep...which is usually never a problem for me.  Of course i had all the pregnancy symptoms that i would get every time i found out that i wasn’t pregnant...sore boobs, fatigue, headaches, cramps, etc....torture! I couldn’t i got up and i debated for about 20 min wether or not i should take a pregnancy test.  Well...i decided to take one.  I had taken so many pregnancy tests at this point that i felt like i could do it with my eyes closed...i read the box wrong and waited for 5 minutes instead of 3 like your supposed to! So my alarm went off as i laid there sweating for 5 minutes on our bed and went into the bathroom to check had 2 lines!....wait whaaa? wait what is 2 lines again...(you’d think i knew this by now) 2 lines was positive! but then i read the box about 5 times over and realized i waited too long! i was panicked that it was inaccurate because i waited too took Another test! waited 3 minutes in terrible anxiety on my bed...after my alarm sounded on my phone...i walked into the bathroom...looked at the test..and still...2 LINES! I had imagined this moment in my head probably a thousand times...what would it be like?...i picked up the test..walked into my bedroom on the carpet...looked at myself in the mirror and well...i fell to my knees, overwhelmed with shock, disbelief, belief, gratitude, love, more shock!...i started crying so was like i had a lifetime of tears saved up in my body for this moment in time.  I literally couldn’t stop...i cried for probably a solid hour. It was such a blessing that i was by myself, i always tried way to hard to appear "strong" when sometimes i felt anything but that...  i prayed with my whole body flopped to the ground as if i was bowing at my Heavenly Father's feet with everything i had...i cried and thanked him for this sweet miracle...i thanked him over and over and over again.

I realize it's a little weird that i snapped pics of me crying, but i never wanted to forget this moment! It was one of the sweetest moments that i had ever experienced and i felt so close to my Heavenly Father.


 I got my bearings about me a little bit and i texted aaron and asked him to come home after his meeting...he was worried that something was wrong and i just said for him to come home.  He came home...walked in the bedroom, he could tell i’d been crying..he always knows when i’ve been crying, he asked whats wrong..i showed him the tests...his eyes got big and said, what does it mean?...i said, “it’s positive” his face lit up (i will never forget his face) and his big blue eyes swelled up with big wet tears, he cried and held me and we both cried and laughed and cried and laughed.  It was hands down the best day in our far. I expressed to him how i was still kinda scared that what if they called me and told me otherwise...that i thought i might need counseling if that was the case! haha.  Like i said, they were gonna call me between 3-6, well they called me about 15 min was around 11:45.  She said...”hi this is so n so from the reproductive center” i said, “i thought you were calling later?”, she said..”well i wanted to call you as soon as i saw it was a positive!” i smiled so big at aaron and gave him a thumbs up!  What a a relief! We were on cloud 9! Our dreams had come true and our prayers and our families prayers had finally been answered! We decided to immediately call all of our immediate family and share the was so exciting, i called alot of my best friends too.

I sent my friends and Family this pic after calling them all…figured it was a little cuter the the ones i had taken earlier! haha
  I couldn’t call Jenica on the phone, she and i shared alot of our infertility journey together, she knew my pain all to well, she still wasn’t pregnant and a part of my heart was so broken for that fact!...I was a coward and texted her because i knew i wouldn’t be able to hold it together on the phone with her.  She was so happy but i would bet all of my money that she probably cried..because i know thats what i would have done. It's hard to explain..yes, you are happy for people, especially friends, but every time you hear someone else is pregnant and its not you..another little part of you aches like hell inside! It's not fair at all! I wish she would get pregnant so bad that it hurts inside!  She is an amazing person and so is Luke.  They are still in our prayers every night and she is so happy for me. She is truly an amazing friend!!  This was one of the best days of my life!  I had wanted to be a mom my whole life...and it was finally becoming a reality!

Over the last 3 years…We snapped a pic of every time we Left the reproductive center..these are just a few of them..they are some of my favorites! Although this whole process was exhausting and painful..we still found happiness in each other!

One plus was that we got chick fil a biscuits for breakfast every time we went! & it was delicious

waiting in the ICRM waiting room

We are so Grateful!

A glimpse at the 3 year Journey to get us here!

Before I get started into the pregnancy part.  I just have to say it has been such a journey getting here.  I’ve spent so many hours on my knees, pleading, and praying to my Heavenly Father to bless me with this little gift that is growing inside me.  It took us about 3 years to become pregnant and  during those 3 years we spent alot of time and money doing fertility treatments. I will share that story/journey adventually but it will be for another time.  During that journey We went on alot of vacations too, which was fabulous and well needed.  In those 3 years we went to New York, Washington DC,Girls trip to McCall, Cancun Mexico, Oahu Hawaii, & Mazatlan Mexico. Every trip was worth every penny for how it helped heal and bring closer together Aaron and I’s hearts! I love him and am so grateful for the Love that we share! OK....Now on to the Pregnant part...YAY! (somedays i didn’t know if i’d ever get to say that) Here are some pics i snapped of a few of those fabulous moments we got to have together!
New York City March 2013

Washington DC March 2013

McCall Girls Trip June 2013

Cancun 5yr Anniversary Sept 2013

Hawaii Jan 2014