Sunday, February 16, 2014

Month 2 November

Month 2
November 2013

Month 2 and 3 flew by pretty fast because of the holidays and during november and december i work like a crazy person.  My boobs starting hurting so bad in month 2..even to hug someone was quite painful! It was so hard to not tell everyone i saw that i was pregnant.  I’m pretty sure by 6-8 wks i started secretly telling a few of my clients because i was just so excited! Thanksgiving was fun.  We spent it with aarons family and we had Thanksgiving here at our house.  Melissa and Brian were visiting, steve n alisha, lex n wade, and bj n kathy all came over.  It was nice and fun..It was fun finally being the Pregnant one and talking about baby stuff with my sweet sister in laws & sister who are so excited for us!! Our first ultrasound was on the 26th...we went in and just saw the little grain of rice that it small as it was we could see a little heart beat and they told us that there was really a baby in there! Gahhh! So exciting! I was so thrilled to actually have a sonogram picture that had something inside the follicle! It was a wee lil' grain of rice..but it was ours!

8WK Ultrasound

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