Sunday, February 16, 2014

Month 4 January

Month 4
January 2014

This was it....the year 2014! The year that i’m gonna have my first child! Crazy! I picked out my doctor this month! Doc Juliette Hughes! I love her...she’s awesome and so real with you.  We had our first ultrasound this month on the 24th! At the begening of the month i had called to make an appointmenta few of my friends had gone to doc hughes and said she was the greatest! I called to make my appt and she couldn’t get me in till after we got back from Hawaii.  Yes..we went to Hawaii this month!  it was so fun! We went for 12 days to Oahu with Abe n Kam and then My folks and Grandpa bryce and Noah joined us for our last 5 days there! It was a ton of fun! It was a bit crazy and a long time to be away from my bed. haha.  We did so many fun things, North shore, Pearl Harbor, Diamond head, Sealife Park, Makapuu Lighthouse Hike, Another Hike that looked like jurassic park jungle which i can’t think of the name, Laie Temple session, Polenisian Cultural Center, Swap Meet, boys golfed turtle bay, man we did alot of fun stuff...i was actually suprised being preggo and being able to keep up with all the hiking and stuff.  I was pretty proud of myself becuse i stopped doing crossfit a month before we got pregnant cause i got scared.  So it felt good to sweat!
Waiamea Bay, North Shore Oahu

When we got back to Idaho it was good to be home!  i knew i had our ultrasound to look forward to! I was hopeful that we might find out what we are having! We went to the ultrasound and it was our first time meeting doc huges! we both loved her! she commented on how tall we both are and asked how big we were as newborns...we were both 9+pounders...she was a little worried...our original due date is july 11th but she moved it up to the 4th of July because she didn’t want me having over a 9 pounder & on the ultrasound our baby was measuring a week ahead! bless her heart for not wanting me to have a gigantor baby!  After she did some basic protocal testing n what not she took us to the ultrasound room....i was like..uhh do i take my pants off? cause i had only ever had a vaginal this point i was 16 goin on 17 weeks tho.  I didn’t think she’d be able to tell us the gender.  She had me pull my shirt up and i was like..OH...a tummy ultrasound?? this is new! haha. We saw the little babe who looked huge compared to the gummy bear it was last time! Baby looked so perfect! She said everything looked fabulous...and then she you want to know what your having!? and we said YES! but can you put it in an envelope!? So she turned the screen away from us & took a pic of it’s private area, which baby wasn’t being shy about and she put the pic & the gender in the envelope.  I had a girls lunch that day with Amber, Alisha, Jenica, & kaycee at costa vida! The girls all knew what i was having at was torture! Jenica did a gender reveal party for me.  Jenica went & bought cupcakes with a blue or pink center.  We had all of our family over that evening for the reveal! Everyone bit into the cupcake and it was BLUE!!!! Wow....a BOY! We are having a BOY! Aaron was in shock because he thought it was a girl...deep down i think we both wanted a boy though.  Aaron was the only boy in his family and i think he was afraid he’d never have a son! So he was so stoked!  He went to the Nike outlet earlier that day and bought a pink and a blue pair of baby nikes!  He loved the boy ones and wants a pair his own size!  haha. We are so excited!

Our Reaction

He is gonna be the best! I can't wait to smootch his lil' cheeks! 
 We can't wait to meet him and to be his parents!

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