Sunday, February 16, 2014

Month 1 October

Month 1
October 2013

My Best Best friend Kelli, from Las Vegas, came to visit me after she found out I was pregnant! She was so excited for me that she decided to come visit! I love her so much and her friendship means so much to me! We had so much fun while she was here! She totally surprised me and her and Aaron had it all planned out! I loved celebrating with her & was so glad she came to visit!!!

I love this girl so much! I know for a fact that she will always be there for me and I will always be there for her! I'ts a friendship that no matter where we are, we will always be forever strong! She's my BFF for life!

Month one i was kinda expecting all the morning sickness to come on and the fatigue and all those crazy pregnancy symptoms...Well....i had nothing, so i was kinda freaked out, i almost wanted to be sick so that i would really “feel” pregnant.  I felt fabulous all month and it was just a fabulous month because it’s when we FINALLY Got pregnant!

1 comment:

  1. This last picture makes me smile... you truly can see and feel your guy's happiness and love for each other.
